DC Super Hero Girls Blitz is a collection of mini-games starring Batgirl, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna and Bumblee Bee, along with other mythical superheroines from the DC universe. Best of all, while you enjoy all the fun mini-games, you can decorate your lair.
Each of DC's Super Hero Girls Blitz superheroines stars in several different minigames, totalling 24 different mini-games for you to play. Plus, difficulty increases each time you manage to overcome each challenge. That way, the better you play, the more difficult the next time you play the same mini-game will be.
One of the best parts in DC Super Hero Girls Blitz is that each of the mini-games are varied. In some you'll need a good dose of reflexes and skill, while in others all you need is a good memory. In general, each mini-game will present you with a different sort of challenge as well as situations that are totally unique.
Whenever you're playing DC Super Hero Girls Blitz you'll get to spend time at your friendly heroines' lair. Customize it as you please, adding all sorts of decorative elements to make it unique.
DC Super Hero Girls Blitz is an excellent collection of mini-games, with nice graphics and tons of different content. A fun title, mainly designed for little ones.